
Hi, I’m Dana Bucci

I’ve had a passion for messing around with computers since age 10. Grounded for something stupid I was surely the cause of, I was locked out of the family computer by my parents for a whole week. By day two, I had learned about the power of BIOS options, alternate boot drives, Windows Safe Mode, and how to reset a “forgotten” Windows XP user password.

It wasn’t until I started school at Northeastern University that I would be exposed to Linux and the open source movement. For the five years I spent earning my Computer Science degree, I also worked part-time in the NU student tech department called ResNet. Woefully underfunded, we used the hand-me-down computers and servers from other departments and the incredible library of open-source software on the Internet to build a service department capable of offering malware remediation, full system backups, OS re-installation, and hardware diagnostics at almost no cost to students.

From there my passion for technology grew even further, and I am now lucky enough that I can do what I love for a living! I am also an avid gamer, and I love snowboarding in the winter, and playing Ultimate Frisbee in the summer. I’m a huge fan of New England sports, especially hockey, and I’m a new but quickly growing fan of Formula One.

Outside my career in technology, I recently began building a hobby shooting and developing film. I find the distinct qualities that various film stocks offer intriguing, and the manual nature of cameras created before auto-focus, auto-exposure, and auto-correction satisfying to use. This hobby has sparked a passion for collecting cameras, each one captures a photo in its own unique way, not to mention sometimes being a fun test of my repair skills. In my gallery, you can view some of the photos I have made. Feel free to contact me if you'd like prints!